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Old 04-09-2004, 09:29 AM  
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 34

first of all: nice work, great bot

second, I did a little modification on the request part, so you can also use the request name itself on the !reqfilled etc. triggers...

i used the code from 1.14, so I don't know if it works on other versions...
also, be sure to set these announces:

set announce(IRCREQSHEADER) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %boldCURRENT REQUESTS%bold"
set announce(IRCREQSBODY) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %bold#%req_number:%bold %req_name by %req_user"
set announce(IRCREQSFOOTER) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + if you fill a request, please do a %bold!egreqfilled release%bold (number or name)..."
set announce(IRCREQSNONE) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + Yes! Free from requests..."

also, I did some IRC versions of the remaining to REQUEST announces (REQFILLEDIRC and REQDELIRC), just copied the old ones and removed the @%group part...

if you don't know how to include this, you shouldn't do it anyway... this is mainly intended for saving B0unTy some work (if he intends to include this, and if he can live with my coding style *g*)

Have fun,

PS: Use it on your own risk... it may not be a resource saver, but it works (at least for me)
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