Originally posted by bounty
[B]for ranking announce you must add a cookie in your zipscript log STATS:
here is the modification for badaazs itcl zipscript
!!! you need to change this twice !!!
search for line:
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b]\(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c]|"
and replace with:
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b]\(â [b] $tagwin â \)[c] - rank:[lindex $line 0]|"
here the cookie is rank:[lindex $line 0]
have fun
like this actually,
set dzstatu "$dzstatu$uamnt\. [b][lindex $line 0][b]/$groupt \[[format %.1f $mbfu]\mB/$filet\F/$perc\%/[format %.1f $spfu]\KBs\] [c]4[b] - rank:[lindex $line 0] \(â [b] $tagwin [b]â \)[c]|"