Didnt do the trick but i sorted it out myself with a little modification
THX bounty
proc proc_ircstats {mins hour day month year} {
global binary disable ircstats_req ircstats_max
if { $disable(IRCSTATS) == 0 } {
foreach ircstat $ircstats_req {
set stats_output ""
set result [exec $binary(IRCSTATS) userstats $ircstat $ircstats_max]
set output "%bold%color5\[[string toupper $ircstat] TOP\]%color%bold "
#set output [basicreplace $output ""]
#sndall "DEFAULT" $output
foreach line [split $result \n] {
if { $line == "" } { continue }
append stats_output "+ \[[lindex $line 0]. [lindex $line 1] %bold[lindex $line 4]%boldM\] "
set output [basicreplace $output ""][basicreplace $stats_output ""]
sndall "DEFAULT" $output
Gave this output
[7:51pm] <|botname|>
[WKUP TOP] + [01. user1 28333M] + [02. user2 716M] + [03. User3 345M]
[7:51pm] <|botname|>
[WKDN TOP] + [01. user1 26895M] + [02. user2 4578M] + [03. user3 2102M]
Hail to me
Just posting it if some1 else want this output
ENJOY ddeca
1 down and an other thing comes to my mind in uptime
Would be nice to add ioFTPD uptime to box and bot
I think there is a script for it or it may be ioBanana how got that
Will look into it...