thanks, i thought that mighta been the problem but i wasnt sure about the "RACE" part, anyways, works good now. I fixed the ioTRiAL (forgot to give the trialbot its flags lol). but i still cant run SITEWHO and ioTRiAL using "hidewndw.exe /n /r eggdrop.exe -nt" but can witout hidewndw.
Edit: one more problem i've discovered. while testing the !speed command i got this:
-aKa.Test.Site- [SPEED] + speed:
-aKa.Test.Site- [SPEED] + aKa@SiTEOPS uploads Disturbed @-kb/sec
it didnt show the upload speed and cut off ½ of the name :-/ so i tried !bw and it showed the speed it was going.
-aKa.Test.Site- [BW] + Uploaders: 1@2753kb/sec - Leechers: 0@0kb/sec - Idlers: 0 - Total: 1@2753kb/sec
so i decided to try !uploaders and once again, it doesnt show the speed and cuts ½ of the name off.
-aKa.Test.Site- [STATUS] + uploaders:
-aKa.Test.Site- [STATUS] + aKa@SiTEOPS is uploading Disturbed @ -kb/sec
any suggestions?