ioFTPd crashing under heavy load
What i sent on IRC to darkone (he's not around)
[18:30:25] <Flare> i have a massive problem with ioFTPd
[18:30:29] <Flare> whenever it gets under heavy user loads
[18:30:31] <Flare> the site goes kaboom
[18:30:37] <Flare> ioFTPd deader than dead.
[18:30:54] <Flare> [18:22:13] <[SN]> -SITENAME- [BW] + Uploaders: 2@7193kb/sec - Leechers: 0@0kb/sec - Idlers: 3 - Total: 5@7193kb/sec
[18:31:09] <Flare> 7MB/s isnt even that much - site frequently pushes 10
[18:31:14] <Flare> but it was enough to blow ioFTPd up
[18:31:33] <Flare> have you heard of this issue before
[18:31:35] <Flare> and is there a fix for it?
[18:31:39] <Flare> because atm, site is unracable
that about says it all. when the site is under a heavy load ioFTPd crashes out and needs to be restarted.
this is a huge problem, the site is unracable because of it.
any fix for it? I am using 4.9.4 registered version.