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Old 02-05-2004, 12:35 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 8


Newday = 0 0 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE

I would like this to work in my time zone.
I live on the east coast,USA.
(GMT-05:00)<Eastern Standard Time>(US & CANADA)

My friend told me 19 would work for me,but it didnt.
Newday = 0 19 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\ioA.exe NEWDATE

I did this manually to see if it works and it did:

List Complete: 2 KB in 0.28 (2.02 KBps)
site newdate
200 Command successful.

Thanks in advance.
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