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Old 01-22-2004, 12:14 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 159

Hi ..

MIC_vBa gave me some guide lines ...

Originally posted by MIC_vBa
itcl :

##color, underline, bold, reverse.
proc u {} {return \037}; #underline
proc r {} {return \026}; #reverse
proc c {} {return \003}; #color
proc b {} {return \002}; #bold

i hope this will help
so .. if you want underlined text just enter "\037your_message\037"
And if you want reverced test you enter "\026your_message\026"
And so on .. and if you mix it i THINK it would look something like this:

"\002%delname\002 (\037%nbrfile\037 Files) was autodeleted in \026[%section]\026 section, Saved \0035%dirsize\003".

so .. one code must be finisht with same code ( "\002hello\002" )

But how many colors there are i don't know ( i think it's 8 ).

Is this right ? .. someone ?


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