Thread: site pretime
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Old 05-14-2003, 11:40 AM  
Posse Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Default site pretime

[12:21:01] site pretime
[12:21:03] 200-*--[PRETiME]-----------------------------------------------------*
[12:21:03] 200-| SYNTAX: SITE PRETiME <lookup> [number]                         |
[12:21:03] 200-|       <lookup>: Either the complete release name, a type of    |
[12:21:03] 200-|                 release, a group name or a keyword to search   |
[12:21:03] 200-|                 the db for.                                    |
[12:21:03] 200-|       <number>: Number of results to show (default is used if  |
[12:21:03] 200-|                 none specified).                               |
[12:21:03] 200-|                 Default:                                       |
[12:21:03] 200-|                   Exact match returns 0-1 result               |
[12:21:03] 200-|                   Release type returns 0-10 result(s)          |
[12:21:03] 200-|                   Group name returns 0-10 result(s)            |
[12:21:03] 200-|                   Keyword match returns 0-25 result(s)         |
[12:21:03] 200-|       Valid types: 0-DAY DiVX DVD-R GAME-iSO GBA MP3 MUSiC-ViD PS SVCD TV VCD XBOX XViD XXX *
[12:21:03] 200---[/PRETiME]----------------------------------------------------*
[12:21:03] 200 Command Successful.
U need a mysql table that contains type, name and timestamp of all rls. And don't ask where to get such a thing.
timestamp field needs to be a unix timestamp (as int), NOT a mysql timestamp field.

Source included, just in case ur table doesn't use the default field names, etc.


*file has been removed*
Please ppl, mirror it. It won't be avail. there for much more than a week.
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