Originally posted by bounty
Originally posted by odd
Can anyone confirm this? Would be nice if another ftp client was tested also except flashfxp.
Put 2 dirs/folders in your upload queue. Upload them to same section and check if the symlink in ROOT is working or if you get
550 Last_race_(XVID)_test2.test2.test2: No such file or directory.
i have sometimes the same problem
There is a similar bug in newdir.log the symlink, and path.to.rel in newdir.log is created from $pwd. the current path when created a new dir from multiple dir queued is the last dir completed. i.e.
when mkd /section/test2 ffxp is still in /section/test1 so the symlink points to /section/test1/test2 ... ooops

symilarly, in newdir.log you get ctime uploader section /section/test1 /test2 .... it wouls be SOOOOOOO kewl if b0unty coukd write us a little update for both using maybe a '$previous' var and strip it from $pwd as in:
set $previous=$release
set $realpwd=($pwd - $previous)
(need to think where to put these 2 in correct order/position to werk, as it is, it wouldn't

symlink -> $realpwd/$release
and in log
puts $fileid "$now $user $section $newpwd $release
Does that make sense? note that the fix for newdir.log is not absolutely necessary but would trim the size of the log dramatically if you do a lot of multi dir queues ...