Thread: ioTRIAL Script
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Old 04-19-2003, 10:15 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 458

- added quota! (alot of stuff... alot)
- fixed newday schedueler errors
- removed set.bat (easier installation now)
- fixed user overload thingy..
- hot quota features added. (TOGIVE=)
- nuke/unnuke fixed in new ioA (


Quota - The quota is monthly. in the beginning of each month , users are added to the quota
database. If a user is added in the middle of the month or past the 1st day of the month
the user will receave some "credits" for the days they missed - If you have TOGIVE= in
ioTRIAL.ini . If TOGIVE= is blank, New Users wont be added to quota for that month. If you
want users to be added without giving them any extra credits set TOGIVE=0 .

- To set a start/end date for quota use "iotrial.exe quota_start"
- To Start the quota for the current month use "ioTRIAL.exe quota_now"

Trial - You know what this is... If you dont , read on.
Each user on trial has an X amount of days to completed a given amount of MB's. If the user doesnt
Upload enough then he's gone or disabled or optionally nothing is done (when PUNISHMENT= is blank)
If user passes trial , then hurray. she/he isnt delete/disabled/etc.

Users on TRIAL wont be added to QUOTA. (unless if you use "site quota add <user>")


oh yea, added a pre-ini checker and ftp checker.
iotrial.exe test
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