2.14 - if upgrading from 2.13 then overwrite the .exe and iotrial.ini , there has been some changes in the ini file. there are also some tcl changes
- added the ability for users to be diasbled or deleted
- added some more TCL announces
- changed some functions to make iotrial more bug safe

- now you can only add users to trial that actually on the ftp! checks the PASSWD for users
new tcl announces (you can change the way they look)
-TEST- [TRIAL] + Uh Oh!
snype has failed the trial.
snype's account has been disbaled.
snype has been added to trial.
snype has been deleted from trial.
snype has been deleted from site for failing the trial.
how does the user get disabled
all my script does is "site change <user> logins 0" , now the user cant login ..