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Old 08-30-2003, 06:32 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 231

Some bugs, didnt see them mentioned before so plz spare me if i overlooked that.

Post del function isnt totally flawless.
It works fine on rars and zips, but on mp3 it fux up-->
Delete a file from a complete mp3 dir, and youll notice that the 100% dir will stay, and that the new incomplete dir will have double the amount of files as in sfv... if you up 1 file the nr of files will be fixed..

Second bug:

(0DAY) New Release: 0day/1 by test@iND
(0DAY) 1 [ 43MB in 1F at 20.1MBps - 0s] was completed by 1 racer(s) from 1 group(s).
(0DAY) UserTop: etc


(0DAY) New Release: 0day/dfashjsfadhjsdfhjhjksdfhjkdfshjksdfhjkdfshjkdfshjk dhjkshjksdfhjkdfshjkfsdhjkdfhjkshjdfshjdfks by test@iND
(DEFAULT) dfashjsfadhjsdfhjhjksdfhjkdfshjksdfhjkdfshjkdfshjk dhjkshjksdfhjkdfshjkfsdhjkdfh [ 43MB in 1F at 17.8MBps - 0s] was completed by 1 racer(s) from 1 group(s).
(DEFAULT) UserTop:

As you can see it ****ed up the section with long filenames..
From ioftpd.log:
SFV: "/0day/1" "Got SFV for 1. Expecting \0021\002F."
SFV: "/0day" "Got SFV for dfashjsfadhjsdfhjhjksdfhjkdfshjksdfhjkdfshjkdfshjk dhjkshjksdfhjkdfshjkfsdhjkdfh. Expecting \0021\002F."

And no bug but more a question:
How to customize the zip complete line to show race stats like rar has. -->multiple announce lines (STATS_USERTOP.... etc)

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