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Old 04-18-2003, 12:50 PM  
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 71

I wonder if it might be possible to read artist and year from the album name and grab genre from the mp3 itself?
Because it seems like there is no standard for tagging mp3's that are followed today.
I ran a few albums through io to sort em out and ended up with this:
Varius Artists

It would be nice to have them all under VA as the albums dirs are labeled VA_something-year-group.
Also there is much greater chance to misslabel the info in the mp3's. I got one example: 1988 being 0988 when reading the mp3 info.

One more thing. Wouldent it be easier to tell ioZS which dirs to enable for checking instead of telling it which ones not to check?
I like to move files around alot using io and flashfxp.
Some sort of section setup perhaps.

Anyway enough questions from me.
Keep up the work of this great script and i hope you dont mind some small ideas

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