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Old 11-16-2003, 09:19 AM  
Posts: n/a
Talking Hey guys

Hey all.

I'm new to this board, and plan on switching from Raiden to ioFTPD at some point in the next few weeks. I have to say, Raiden is a nightmare and a constant headache. It crashes at least 5-6 times per day, and I've been offered no help whatsoever to try and figure it out. In any case, I look forward to using these scripts to save some of my Raiden settings. It's hard when you have many members with IP restriction, etc. - unfortunately, there aren't any other FTP servers out there that have Raiden importing tools! Furthermore, ioFTPD seems to have a better interface/stability. Just wanted to say hi, and I will hopefully be more active on the forums as soon as I get things installed!
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