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Old 03-17-2003, 05:59 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 543

Hiya Flare.. I minor update on your knowledge about the raiden passwords:
From the raiden site:

field 2 m_password : user's password (clear text) <= 32 chars (make sure there is no ':' char inside the password)

field 14 m_encpass : encrypted password , leave empty if you put a clear text password already

field 17 m_pass_type : 0=normal , 2=s/key md4 , 3=s/key md5 , 4=s/key sha-1 , 6=force SSL , 7=any password , 8=des local hash , 9=md5 local has , if type = 8 or 9 , hashed password is stored in field 2 and field 14 should be empty

If field2 is empty and field14 is empty then there is no pass set (not what we want)
If field 17 = 9 (any password) then field 14 will not be used, the pass will not be encrypted. This is THE way to use raiden passwords if you ask me. Then you can convert from any program.
Field 17=0 then the encrypted password will be stored in field 14
I havent tested or tried the other fields. They are handy for converting form servu and g6 and such.
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