PASSWORD (removed)
CREDITS 127638 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RATIO 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
LIMITS 0 0 -1 -1 -1
IPS *@24.*.*.*
WKUP 478 6680935 0
MONTHUP 11221 55229944 0
MONTHDN 85 137185 0
ALLUP 1 226051905 0
ALLDN 1 591865 0
user:2:: pacrats:1:0:0:0:-1:0:591865:226051905:IND:eng:52726:127638.06:1:0:: :1:1:
The IO CREDITS 127638 is wrong?
Should it do this?
ALLTIME up 226051905 - dn 591856 = 225460049 and then into the CREDITS for IO
as earned bytes for the new IO credit sextion?
OR - has raiden already ex: if a 3:1 ratio - are these numbers at that earned 3 ratio
as listed above...I'm not 100% sure on raiden as he has altered 100001 things in it.
Other than this, the stats are now entered correctly for this user.
PS: one other item - can it be done where the SYSOP can set the password - as I do have
all my users passwords - setting it ex: BOO would be easier for SYSOPS with users passwords
who wish to change the passwords themselves....than typing âraiden2ioftpd" each time.
just an idea...
By the way - great little program!