PHP pSio v0.0.5b
PHP pSio is now open to the public. after some testing here and there I feel that this is a solid release. I dont know if this will replace psio but psio's code is getting too "crowded" , I will have to do a recode of that soon. plz note that not all psio scripts will work with PHP pSio. only 0day.exe and Sfv_nfo.exe for now. I will be fixing imdb.exe soon.
If I update PHP pSio 0.0.5 foundation members will get it first until I feel its time for reg users to get it

but this release should enough for your every needs.
PHP pSio is a zipscript-c port to PHP with some pSio addons.
Checkout Changelog.txt and Install.txt
edit: fixed some stuff in 0.0.5b plz re-download.