Originally posted by Mr_X
I always get the same error as LoCaliSe. I tested with win2k_fix but don't work (I changed path as said in archive). I made a directory with 4 test files and a sfv for these files and 3 symlinks (Incomplete) are still there (after complete). first I tested rehashing and after restarting but still don't work.
How to resolve it (without removing symlinks option)?
try php_psio , its much better. diz/sfv nfo strippers work for it. I will be fixing the imdb.exe to work for it too.. php_psio is a much better version. If you are registered you should see it in
www.ioftpd.com/members/ , under foundation scripts, if you dont see it, either donate $5 to me or d1 to upgrade your liscence... my donate link is below.