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Old 03-13-2002, 06:05 AM  
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 47
Talking Multi-Threading with FlashFXP

Since there are daily suggestions for FlashFXP to support multi-thread downloading/FXP I thought I should post a little tip to somehow simulate multi-threading.

If you want to multi-thread download open say 3 FlashFXP windows and queue all the files in each of them, this way if one of the windows is downloading a file then the other window will skip it and move to the next file (since you can't overwrite or resume a file while it is writing to HD)

If you want to multi-thread FXP go to Options --> When File Exists and set the FXP column as follows:

- Skip when file is Smaller
- Skip when file is Same
- Overwrite when file is Larger

The reason why we need to set these rules for FXP is that if you FXP 2 files at the same time you will receive errors, and not immidiately... so it's a waste of time, so best way is to skip a file that is already there.

Hope this helps
JuvY is offline