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Old 02-26-2003, 06:03 PM  
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Join Date: Oct 2001
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malexx: Do me a favor, recreate that, and when ioZS hangs, open explorer and check out that directory...see if it deleted some, but not all the -missing files.. If thats the case, then I know what the problem is and can fix it easily.

I test with various type of releases, basically what ever I have handy. Mostly MP3's thuogh, as it does extra stuff with them, and I want to make sure it all works correctly. I'll do a quick test with a big SFV release...

Update: I just used a multi-CD movie, and had the problem. Its the same problem as before when trying to update the vfs file. I guess there is a limit as to how much output I can pass to ioFTPD. I'll just remove all the vfs updating from that part of the postdel, and repost version .93 when finished...

Last update today: Ok, reget v0.93 and try that...
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