Yet anotherday, and another release.
Umm, I would copy paste from the changelog, but I made lots of changes today...To summerize, MP3 linked dirs is now possible when used with Windows 2000 or later and NTFS filesystem. It sorts by the usual year, genre, and artist. I've added some errorlogging (errors are logged to iozs-error.log). Also added the ability to import other files into the .message file. This works great with dZSbot's imdb feature. Also can be used to add the file_id.diz from zip releases.
Update the .exe, and add the new lines to the .ini file. Read the Changelog file for details of what items were added/changed. Oh, I also updated the Readme.txt file.
In a future release, I'll have a program to cleanup the links that point to invalid directories. You'll run it in the scheduler, and it will check to see if the MP3 release has been removed, and if it has, it will remove the link.