If I could just add my $.02... Each script has it plusses and minuses...Those that use my site know that I actually use a HIGHLY modified version of project-zs with glftpd(I added enhanced MySQL support as well as alot of other cool features). But that works fine for my unix system and for me, as I am a full-time unix programmer...But I figured that for running a windows site with ioFTPD, most Windows users are NOT familiar (or comfortable) with compiling everytime they need to make a change to their setup. This also makes it kinda pointless for me to release the code, not everyone has Visual Studio installed on their systems with the full Windows SDK. There is a proper tool for each task, for those that have the skill to compile changes, they would use zipscript-c, but if not, then they could use one of the other scripts like ioZS, ftpservertools, JACheck, or whatever...