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Old 03-30-2005, 04:10 PM  
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 421
Default remote dragndrop changes?

Really not sure where to put this, not a bug so i dunno, move if you like.

In the latest builds (i recently updated to 1075) there were changes/improvements to the drag and drop handling when local browsing. It seems some changes were also made to the remote browsing?

Here is the behavual problem i am encountering. Previous versions of flashfxp would allow you select group of items in a remote panel but clicking and dragging a box over the items.

Since i updated i have not been able to do this, instead it assumes i am trying to 'move' the file or folder where i first click. The difference in the behavior is that in previous versions this only occured when you clicked the folder/file name and moved, but now it assumes this behavior anywhere you click on the entire line (size, date, owner, atrrib, etc). This makes it very difficult to quickly and easily select a bunch of files/folders, it is quite an annoying behavual change.

To confirm, this same behavior occurs in local browsing also, it will also not allow you to drag a 'box' around items as it used to.

At first I liked the new ability to drag and drop in local browsing, rather than having to use cut/paste to move things. But if i had to choose between the new and old behaviors i would choose the old. Mainly because the ease of remote browsing and such is a much more important part of flashfxp.

build 1075, win2ksp4
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