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Old 12-05-2004, 05:15 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 4

Right, this seems to be working....what is it that this is doing and why?!? I'm a bit inquisitive to find out what all this malarky about port forwading does and why i have to do nice fast answer to my problem

[R] Connecting to Lighthouse ->
IP=xx.xx.xx.xx PORT=21
[R] Connected to Lighthouse
[R] 220 tfwalker Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
[R] USER hs100815
[R] 331 Password required for hs100815.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 230 User hs100815 logged in.
[R] 215 Windows_NT version 5.0
[R] 500 'FEAT': command not understood
[R] 257 "/hs100815" is current directory.
[R] List (cached)
[R] List Complete: 87 bytes in 0.22 seconds (0.4 KB/s)
[R] CWD wwwroot
[R] 250 CWD command successful.
[R] 257 "/hs100815/wwwroot" is current directory.
[R] 200 Type set to A.
[R] STAT -la
[R] List Complete: 626 bytes in 0.91 seconds (0.7 KB/s)
[R] DELE robots.txt
[R] 250 DELE command successful.
[R] STAT -la
[R] List Complete: 577 bytes in 0.45 seconds (1.2 KB/s)
Deleted 0 Folders and 1 File totaling 662 bytes in 0.66 seconds.
[R] PORT 81,154,247,227,4,3
[R] 200 PORT command successful.
[R] STOR TV Shows.txt
[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for TV Shows.txt.
[R] 226 Transfer complete.
Transferred: TV Shows.txt 404 bytes in 0.20 seconds (1.9 KB/s)
[R] STAT -la
[R] List Complete: 628 bytes in 0.49 seconds (1.3 KB/s)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 file totaling 404 bytes in 1.49 seconds (1.9 KB/s)
[R] DELE TV Shows.txt
[R] 250 DELE command successful.
[R] STAT -la
[R] List Complete: 577 bytes in 0.55 seconds (1.0 KB/s)
Deleted 0 Folders and 1 File totaling 404 bytes in 0.72 seconds.
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