I think the .NET model for the permissions hierarchy would work good in the scenerio as well. You would have one global (default) setting, but if you override the setting for the one particular site (temporary/permanent option?), then the site preference takes priority. That way, you can add a global download/uplooad speed cap to all instances of FlashFXP at once, instead of manually having to decide on an equal setting for all windows, then apply this cap to them all.
The reason I ask about the que file is, because I was planning on writing a small app to make a que file for some circumstances. I just realized I can get around my problem by writing an entry in the quick.dat file before the que file is made. If your interested in my idea, I can PM you it, but 99% of FlashFXP users will have no use for it, so I doubt its worth wasting your time developing it.