Possible bug - Disconnection after file transfer
I've been getting this forever from 1.x, 2.x and now 3.0.1015. On certain FTPs (about 50% of FTPs that I use), FFXP will not be able to transfer the next file in queue after completing a file. It'll time out and then reconnect with next line in queue.
[10:26:34] [R] RETR filename
[19:26:34] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for filename (150000 Bytes).
[10:54:51] [R] Connection lost: servername
[10:54:51] Transferred: filename 1.41 MB in 28 minutes 7 seconds (3.7 KB/s)
[10:54:52] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[10:54:53] [R] Connecting to servername -> IP=xxxx (attempt # 1)
[19:54:53] [R] Connected to servername
With this issue, it'll take significantly longer to finish all queue because each file will need to timeout and end session plus another 2 minutes before the next reconnectiong attempt. Multiple these by 10, 20 or 30 files, it'll take hours just for these waiting time.
Btw this is just normal ftp, not FXP.
Any ideas ?