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Old 07-31-2004, 01:05 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,430

The server timezone is the server timezone.
It is used to adjust the date/time displayed in the listview so it matches your timezone.

I'll give an example based on yours.
Let's say you create a folder at 10pm on the server which is gmt+0.
If you use the default settings in flashfxp (use server time), the creation time for this folder will be displayed as 10pm.
Now, you change the site settings so it becomes gmt+1 (but the site is still gmt+0). Then FlashFXP receives a time (10pm) and adjusts it to your timezone (ie. gmt). 10pm gmt+1 = 9pm gmt.
If you change the setting again to be gmt-1, it's adjusted like that: 10pm gmt-1 = 11pm gmt.

I hope it will help you to understand how it works.. and that I'm right. Maybe someone from the dev team could confirm it.
Harm is offline