1.) Allow us to remove the local browser. I can't believe we're not able to remove it.
Why its ftp client not a download manager.
2.) Allow us to remove the top toolbar (*completely*). Remove the entire toolbar, not just a few buttons
Yeah, I use them and a lot to. Keep it simple and efficient, I say.
3.) Can you allow us to completely edit/delete/rename as the user wishes?
Why all this edit/delete/rename is will get to complex( All the dialog, check boxs, menus, to allow edit/delete/rename), I see FlashFXP as mozilla, simple, functional and efficient. I think the word you are looking for is themes(Like in form as an xml, template ini..).
I like the clean, simple and efficient layout, but i wouldnt mind if ppl want themes and is gets implemented, Ill be happy if I can keep the simple layout as it is.
And the "theme feature" would solve all your problems.