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Old 05-31-2004, 07:31 AM  
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Default simple delete and transfer script

I've tried to make a script that does this and failed. My knowledge of FTP and FTP servers is not extensive and I'm really only looking for the answer and enough understanding to write the script on my own. Here's my setup: build 905. Server is PureFTPd 1.0.12.

When I type help in the raw command box I get this response:
[08:32:01] help
[08:32:01] 214-The following SITE commands are recognized
[08:32:01] ALIAS
[08:32:01] CHMOD
[08:32:01] IDLE

When I try to delete a file with the following command: "SITE DELE %f" I receive:
[08:33:17] SITE DELE Parent Directory
[08:33:17] 500 SITE DELE is an unknown extension

I can tell I'm doing something wrong by it selecting the parent directory, but I haven't been able to come up with a reason why.

I get a similar result when using STOR %f.

Should I be gathering that STOR and DELE aren't commands available for use with the current FTP server setup? If so, what commands does FXP use to do the same operations?

Most importantly, is it possible to make a script that will do what I'm attempting?
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