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Old 05-31-2004, 06:55 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 11


For every person who wants auto-updating there are 2 who think its an invasion of privacy, makes the app spyware...For examples of this just look through the FlashFXP section at betanews...

My feeling is this, if the program does most everything you want then what's the big deal if you're a build or two behind, especially when it's in beta. FlashFXP has a check for new updates link under help that works fine & can be set to remind you to update...

FlashFXP just gets better with age. Thanks Bigstar!

p.s. it would be nice if you could auto-update expired versions(never had this problem myself), although it states quite clearly in Status window when the build is going to expire.
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