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Old 01-24-2002, 05:14 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
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Default next router question

I have tried the search in this forum but I did not get a good answer on my problem,

I bought router,cant fxp nomore like many others,I tried non passive,etc,but after a long searcg I found this on a website,

now I hope someone can give me the good properties of it,because I cant find them on flash site,

ok here it is,this I have to ad to firewall,:

Configuration Data (from Service Provider)
This data must be obtained from the service provider.

Name: Enter a descriptive name to identify this application entry.

Enable: Use this to Enable or Disable support for this application, as required.

Protocol The protocol (TCP or UDP) used when you connect to the special application service.
Port Range:
Start The beginning of the range of port numbers used by the application server, for data you send to it. If the application uses a single port number, enter it in both the "Start" and "Finish" fields.
Port Range:
Finish The end of the range of port numbers used by the application server, for data you send.

Protocol The protocol (TCP or UDP) used when the application or service sends data to you.
Port Range:
Start The start of the range of port numbers used by the application server when data is sent to you. If using only one port number, enter it in both the "Start" and "Finish" fields.
Port Range:
Finish The end of the range of port numbers used by the application server, when data is sent to you

so my questions are ?

whats the outgoing protocol(tcp or udp) of flashfxp
whats the port range ?(start and end) of flashfxp

whats the incoming protocol ?(tcp or udp) of flashfxp
whats the port range ?(start and end) of flashfxp

I hope this will solve my problems
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