Upload Problem w/Bullet Proof ftpd 2.15
When I upload several files to subject ftpd, the upload hangs after each file has completed. Then FlashFXP disconnects (connection lost), reconnects and uploads the next file. I have PASV enabled since there is NAT on my end. Without PASV enabled, can't even get a dir listing from the remote site.
PC running FlashFXP is in the DMZ on my NAT network.
Is this a known problem with Bullet Proof ftpd? Ideas anyone?
* FlashFXP v[2].[1], build [924], [X]registered
* OS [X WinXP]
* Running behind NAT/router [X] Yes & Model [3COM 3CR856-95 Secure Gateway]
* Running firewall [X] Yes, Name [Zone Alarm Pro], Ver. [latest ]
* Running Antivirus [X] Yes, Name [NAV 2003 ]
* Network [X] CABLE