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Old 03-07-2004, 02:21 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Default Add filtered/skipped files to the queue


I'm not completely sure if this has been covered before but i haven't been able to find anything hen searching.

I have added some items to the skiplist. Now in most cases i do not want to download the skipped items (luckily ) but once in a while i might want to download a file that has been added to the list. But this is not possible - to my knowledge.

E.g. if i login to a freeware ftp and i want to skip all the linux programs then it's all fine. But while scrolling the list i find a program that a friend wants me to download. Now because i have added *linux* to the skiplist, i'm not able to download this program.

I know i can download the file if i disable the skiplist, but maybe a feature could be added so it would be possible to add skipped files? Perhaps if dragging the file to the queue while holding some button. CTRL+Drag to queue? Could be any button. I don't care.

Anyway. I hope you see what i mean :-)

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