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Old 02-20-2004, 06:19 PM  
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Default A solution to the problem of adding feature: command line sitename+path

I believe I have a solution to the problem of specifying both the site manager site name AND the remote path/dir to open to. My understanding of the problem is that it might create confusion as to whether the user is specifying the path relative to his home dir or root dir. So here are a couple possible solutions:

#1) Force the user to set a switch in the command line explicitly specifying if it is a Relative path (as in from his home dir) or an Absolute path (from root). ex:
Relative from home dir: flashfxp.exe PrivateGroup\MySite -r "public_html/"
Absolute from root: flashfxp.exe PrivateGroup\MySite -a "privatedir/"

A variation on that might be a more detailed switch such as -RemotePathRel="public_html" and -RemotePathAbs="privatedir", or something similar.

#2) Don't use the switches, but instead check to see if the user specifies the remote pathname with a leading /slash or not. ex:
Relative from home dir: flashfxp.exe PrivateGroup\MySite "public_html"
Absolute from root: flashfxp.exe PrivateGroup\MySite "/privatedir/"

This one might cause some confusion, so I like #1 better.

The main worry is that if you set the remote pathname to always be from root, then the people who would much prefered to have it relative from homedir get screwed. And if you set it relative from homedir, that the people who need it absolute from root get screwed. Well, as it is right now, BOTH people are 100% screwed. So what's the harm? I see no reason why this could not be added to new versions, while still being completely compatible with any startup scripts people are using now.

Just my 4 cents (adjusted for inflation).
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