OK..as you wish.
[13:11:41] LIST
[13:11:41] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:11:41] 226 Transfer complete. At this point everything just stops and the list doesn't show up. But if I hit abort it displays the list
[13:11:43] (soft abort)
[13:11:43] ABOR
[13:11:43] 226 ABOR command successful.
[13:11:44] List Error
[13:11:53] CWD DOWNLOAD
[13:11:53] 250 Directory changed to /DOWNLOAD
[13:11:53] PWD
[13:11:53] 257 "/DOWNLOAD" is current directory.
[13:11:53] PASV
[13:11:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,251,10,133)
[13:11:53] LIST
[13:11:54] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:11:54] 226 Transfer complete. Now here I tried to abort a second time but now it didn't work, meaning no list even after the abort command
[13:11:58] QUIT
[13:11:58] An internal error has occurred.
[13:11:58] 10022:Invalid argument
And if I don't hit abort it will just set there doing nothing until the server drops me due to inactivity.
As for SmartFTP there is nothing really to say, it does what it is supposed to do...
[13:16:59] LIST -aLT
[13:16:59] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:16:59] 4323 bytes received successfully. (4.22 KB/s) (00:00:01).
[13:17:00] 226 Transfer complete.
As I said before this happens on any server using any FlashFXP version I tried up to version 2.1 build 924, and active/passive mode doesn't affect this in anyway.
And here is what the errorlog.txt shows...
2/7/2004 1:11:58 PM
Version: 2.1 (build 922)
Compiled on: May 9, 2003
Object class: TToolBar
Object Name: RToolBar
10022:Invalid argument