Bug in FlashSFV 24.c with MD5 verification
Hi there,
i used to test the MD5-Hash from the WindowsXP SP2 file and got an error. The orginal hash for the file WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-DEU.exe is:
MD5-Hash: 2fa1439dd7425848ba187213f9b9949f
Try to generate or verify it with FlashSFV2.4c and you will see that the file may be bad. But ist is wrong!!!
The test with TotalCommander generates and verifies it right.
I post now the hashes here:
Orginal and again with TC generated:
2FA1439DD7425848BA187213F9B9949F WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-DEU.exe
With FlashSFV2.4c generated:
7E83D25C01546D9AB3E798EC41BFE93A WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-DEU.exe
All done with the same file! Please can anybody verify this MD5-BUG? It should be fixed asap.