Originally posted by Partha
Please advice me how to "use the %f macro to pass the filename " . I am having problems with how to pass it . Perhaps because of this problem only , when I use "show=0" to hide FlashSFV , FlashSFV still popups before the FlashFXP window.
for one, why would you want to start FlashSFV hidden? how will you know the results of scan?
i don't think you'll be able to use FlashSFV w/ this feature since it requires to have name of .sfv passed to it. so if you have a dir of files+sfv, i'm sure you have sfv transfered 1st, flashsfv will run and see no files in that dir and on later transfers it'll complain that given file isn't sfv
cSFVse or other SFV checker that can scan whole dir for sfv file will work better in this case