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Old 01-11-2002, 10:17 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Madrid, Spain
Posts: 346

"and with translation to differnt languages also comes problem of user support...
if user doesn't know english well enough to use FlashFXP and he'll come here or email looking for support chances are it'll be very hard for that user to explain in english what his problem is..."


Well, i think that the future translations os FlashFXP could be considered for the people that will use it only as - extras - of the main program.

The fact that a program (like FlashFXP) could have translations into another languages doesn't mean that the customer support must be also in all the translated languages. If FlashFXP was inicially, and is actually, coded into english language and give customer support in english i think that must keep this language in the replies and announcements of this forum, in spite of the translations will be available.

For example, mIRC (the most used and famous IRC client for Windows) has been translated to many, many languages, and parts of its web site has been translated to 44 languages. Do you think that the author of mIRC give customer support into 44 languages?
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