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Old 11-16-2003, 03:13 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 6
Default Files dont get uploaded completely

Hi, I'm a great fan of Flash Fxp and considering buying Flash Fxp. But I have a strage Bug with it: All my files don't get uploaded completly. Whenever I upload a file, its not complete. Sometimes 80%, sometimes more. Most of my servers support resuming, so I can resume the files, but many don't. On these servers I am unable to upload stuff.

When I decrease the upload speed in the options to about 4kb/s or less, everything seems(!) to work fine. But I definetly need more speed.

I also tried using proxy, changing packet size and so on, but nothing worked.

[In the Transfer Log the correct file sizes are shown [Transfered xxxx, but when downloading it again via browser, its definetly not complete.]

Please help me!

Flash FXP 2.1 build 924 unregistered
Windows XP
No router
No Firewall
Antiviurs: F-Prot latest
Network: ADSL 768/128
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