Probably you didn't notice I answered a very detailed way, but let's assume I understand your false philosophy and "buy" that answer for my question - thank you.
In that case I can only suggest FFXP team should close FlashFXP development, cos making any improovments in your ftp client helps pubbing/ transferring illegal stuff onto unsecurded and secured - sometimes even warez dedicated - servers

Actually FlashFXP should turn into a tool of holy war against imaginary piracy symbol ""/ / / /con.;/ aux; / .. /" (probably approx. 99,99% of it's legit and illegal users used it at least once for sending or downloading illegal stuff, on purpose or not breaking the copyrights). A warm fuzzy feeling that I did the right thing just turned into a warm feeling of my bottom that someone put me on

Congrats! Regards, Apoc.