True. As well you can ask me: "what knife can be used for? as far as I know knives can be used by serial killers for killing people.
"As well as can be used by cops, soldiers and housewifes", will be my answer. That's true.
Any dir can be used for storing illegal stuff, not only dir I can not enter with FlashFXP - does it mean that creating and development of operating systems which allow creating dirs is illegal? In my opinion - nope. Using ftp protocol for uploading/downloading illegal stuff (or warez-related) - does it mean that using it should be forbiden? I guess not. Maybe using ftp clients/servers should be illegal - cos using them you can transfer "warez-related" stuff, and pubers use it! You can buy a knife in very first supermarket you go to - it can be used for killing people as well as for making a dinner - does possibility of taking away peoples/animals lifes makes it illegal? *It does not*! I can not understand your philosophy, mate.The point is: If I would like to enter such dir or just find it or delete (or even download from it!!!) - I can not do that, cos of software I bought (with good will), while other software allow me to enter or list.
Conclusion: as said before no matter what the client is used for (checking, viewing, seraching, deleting) - and if used at all - important is the possibility of having choice and technical ability to list/enter such path when I need or want to do that (that's what I payed for) - so please feel enlightened. It makes me upset when I can't do smth using licensed software while free or just other products let me decide and then do what I want. Still talking about smth that was not a point of my question. Don't take it personally please but I'm wasting my time answering your odd questions and investigations, actually I'm tired with that. You're like shop sellers asking: "why you're buying this knife? what are you going to use it for..." My answer would be: "I'm a free man, live in a free country - what I'm going to do with that knife is none of your business as long as I'm buying it, not stealing" Regards, Apoc.
P.S Profile updated. Cheers.