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Old 09-12-2003, 06:32 AM  
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 3
Default port 81/444 trick (

some people may not be aware of this, but caps all transfers to the .us except when using port 81 or port 444, tho im not sure why exactly. when downloading directly from a server in, I get about 15-30k. However, in order to take advantage of the port trick, if I set up a server with BulletProof FTP Server (formerly known as G6) on port 444, and then fxp from the bbb server to the server I set up with BPFTP, I can download at my maximum speed, 350k. This trick does not work with RaidenFTPD, however, and again, im not sure why. I was wondering if it would be possible in a later version to make flashfxp work with the port trick, except while downloading directly, instead of fxping to a local server. for example, in the site manager, under the options or advanced tab, you could tell it to only use one certain port while downloading (such as port 81 or 444). I'm not sure if it would work, since BPFTP does, but Raiden doesnt, but if it did work it would be a really great feature, then I wouldnt have to bother with BPFTP nemore.
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