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Old 07-20-2003, 10:12 PM  
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 3
Default REgistered version FlashFXP, lost key

OK - I lost the email and the saved text file with my FlashFXP key details, but up until recently was still OK with that as I still had a working version (having been running my OS for 2.5 years ...)

However, I had to rebuild the computer for various reasons and now have a non-registered version of FlashFXP.

Email the team about it, I hear you say ...

I have. 3 times. No reply.
My first email - resent twice
[b]My FlashFXP ID (from the Help-> About menu) is ***-****-***, My name is ***** ****, and I bought a single-user license a while back: I looking for the text-file with my registration details in it, and realised that it must have been lost when a partition failed on me.
I have a working version of FlashFXP now, but the email address I thought I used to register ( doesn't seem to be in your database according to the automated system online. If I registered with my old work email address ( then I no longer have access to that email address, and would like to have it changed regardless to either or
Best regards,
My angry customer email - sent more recently
As a registered user I thought I'd get SOME response to a request for help.
I emailed you 8 July relating to recovering the email address used in a registration - I supplied the ID from the program About page:
I have attached a screenshot for your benefit, as well as the original email - please advise when you will retrieve my registration data.
What is my next port of call .... ?
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