Thread: ident server
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Old 05-24-2003, 04:18 PM  
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 41
Default ident server

imagine this scenario:

23 instances of flashfxp running, each trying to connect to one of 23 different servers, each requiring an ident on port 113.

only 1 instance of flashfxp can run the ident server on port 113.

now imagine you were to close that one magical instance that is running the ident server, your other 22 instances would be useless.

consider the solutions:

- a toggle that offers you the possibility of a warning when you are closing an instance running the ident server.

- when the ident server instance is closed, some sort of flag is set so another instance fires up a server.

note that i havent had much time to think about this, i just wanted to put out the idea to see what people think..

a million apologies if this is deemed as a stupid suggestion..
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