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Old 05-10-2003, 10:03 AM  
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Default Command Line Advancement


In the command-line interpreters, you can specify sites in your site manager which to connect to (such as: flashfxp.exe ftps\FTP1;ftps\FTP2) however when using it like this, you cannot specify directories to which to connect to (other then setting the default directory itself in the manager) could you implement a way to specify which directory to connect to? (Such as: flashfxp.exe ftps\FTP1[/Dir1/Dir2];ftps\FTP2). Yes, I know that you can use the standard FTP:// url if you truly wanted to specify the dir, but this does not work well if the site you're connecting to requires SSL, because you cannot specify to use SSL or not.

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