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Old 05-04-2003, 06:37 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 3

Thanks for your reply, but i have two issues.

1) it will automatically begin to transfer once you are connected to the site/sites" But it doesn't, if i have a queue sat there and i connect to the site, it just idles. Is there an option anywhere ?

[21:13:51] Transferred: dev-trpt.r13 1.39 MB in 03:13 (7.35 KBps)
[21:13:51] PORT 62,137,126,49,13,67
[21:14:29] Connection lost: Archangel
[21:14:29] Transferred 15 files totaling 20.85 MB in 49:17 (7.35 KBps)
[21:14:29] Transfer Failed!
from my log window. that's all it says, and then that's it, it just sits there? I take it yours doesn't ?

(and getting cut off every eight hours? you lucky lad, my isp doesn't want me to be online for more than 6 hours a day - or so they announced in a press release - arrogant peons... i want your isp:)

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