Are you able to open a connection from 0.6 to 0.7? Try running FlashFXP on your 0.6 machine and download a file from 0.7 to 0.6 (normal FTP). You will want to send the PASV command to 0.7 to initiate the transfer. (Use PASV Mode)
The log you pasted indicates that 0.6 is unable to open a connection to the IP,PORT that 0.7 specified in the PASV reply. The purpose of this test is to see if 0.6 is infact capable of initiating such a connection under normal circomstances, and not that it does not have permission (firewall, denied by router, etc).
The only other thing I can imagine is that your router is acting as a NAT (network address translator) and is munging the PASV/PORT packets, and we're just not seeing it. This should not be the case though, since neither FTP server resides on port 21.
- Raccoon