Originally posted by MxxCon
becuase reply from PASV command is supposed to be server's ip followed by port.
what that server replies with is internal(lan) ip, which is obviously invalid if you connect to that server from internet.
did you enable option i told you to in my previous message?
It worked with the IP Masq thing... NOOP's worked but that method is hard to tell what is happening.
I still believe the reply from Flash FXP is the same as bulletproof, hence I still want to know why bulletproof works! You say the PASV reply is sposed to be the servers IP followed by port, well both get THE SAME REPLY from server ! So what figures ?
Server is Serv-U 4.1 BTW
I just find having NOOP and needing to have site manager for these things annoying, noop has disrupted some other sites transfers for me.