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Old 02-09-2003, 12:44 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 13
Unhappy 425 Can't build data connection: No route to host. and more...

Hey fellas!

As the Subject ses, "425 Can't build data connection: No route to host." is my problem.

First of all, thx to the flashfxp develop team for including my suggestion of a variable Identd Port number to choice, this helped me to get Identd working througth the router!

Again I guess my router is again the problem, so after i connected a server nothing happens or that new error message occures!

Even if I turn off the router firewall and disable any special features flashfxp doesnt list (List -aL) files after i successfully connected.

SmartFTP, the ugly other, does, but why?

350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
PORT 192,168,1,235,7,46
200 PORT command successful.
than the client disconnects me cos of a time out and nothing is listed .. !

If anybody can help that might be great.

I already tried active/passive connecting and almost any of the connection/filelisting options, SmartFTP lists files even with List -aL without any delay of time.

... no clue, this got me stuck, ...i already tested an old flashfxp version but this doesnt do either ...and once a time ago it did? !

i guess a "WAN-to-LAN" or "LAN-to-WAN" setting is needed, but even if i turn off firewall it doesn work and SmartFTP does, with a enabled router firewall and a windows firewall! 2000 pro overhere;

greetings ... and peace not war ;op
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