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Old 11-28-2001, 03:18 PM  
FlashFXP Developer
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Default Re: Questions Cocerning Upgrades?

Originally posted by palmtree
This is to cofirm the way I upgraded my FXP 1.4-1.41 is correct.

1. Used "Check for upgrade" and downloaded to C:\Program Files\FlashFXP folder
2. Unzipped the downloaded upgrade--fxp141 to the C:\Program Files\FlashFXP folder
3. PC rebooted
All above tasks were performed with FXP program closed.

Some additional questions:
1. This is my 2nd upgrade. The 1st was ver. 1.37 to 1.40.
Questiion, can I manually delete the upgrade files-- fxp14 and fxp 141 from the C:\Program Files\FlashFXP folder, after the uograde is complete? I already backed up the upgrade files. And I want to keep the FlashFXP folder as neat as possible.
Yes you can. Once you have updated the EXE the zip you downloaded is no longer needed.

2. Beaides using "Check for upgrade" function, when upgrade is available, can I just download a upgrade version and do full install? If I do so, how my FlashFXP dir will look like?

Thanks for advising.

The LiveUpdate and full install are exactly the same, the only difference is that the LiveUpdate does not contain the installer.

The installer was designed so that it does not overwrite your settings/sites.

Currently there is not a full install for v1.4.1, we had alot of possible bug reports since the release and we decided to hold off on the public release, but it appears to me that those people were using illegal keys or cracks.
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